Greetings AFWA Members and Friends of the Chapter,
Welcome to the new 2020-2021 year of AFWA! Just like everything else in 2020, your Knoxville chapter did not get off to the start we had anticipated, but we expect you will find the schedule for the remainder of 2020 to be well worth the wait, starting with our October kickoff.
At noon on Thursday, October 22nd, we are pleased to have a nationally recognized speaker, Valerie Alexander, present us with a program on “Happiness in the Workplace when Managing a Remote Workforce.” Those of you who attended the 2018 AFWA CPE Seminar or the Ignite Women’s Leadership Summit in 2017 will remember Valerie’s engaging and educational style, and this month she is bringing that energy to us in a Zoom format. There is no charge for this event, but Valerie is encouraging everyone to donate to your favorite COVID-relief organization. Please register here.
Speaking of the CPE Seminar, many of you have been asking if we will be holding it this year, and the answer is a resounding YES. The seminar will take place Friday, November 20th and it will be a hybrid of in-person programming (for those who are comfortable with that approach) and Zoom presentations. The live presentations will take place at Bridgewater Event Center again this year, with lunch and snacks provided and social distancing observed. Watch the AFWA Knoxville website for details and pricing, and watch your inbox for an invitation towards the end of October.
Finally, because we love the Tennessee Theater and support the Arts in Knoxville, our December Social this year will be a backstage tour of the Tennessee Theater, again with all appropriate precautions observed. Watch our website for details on this unique opportunity to take a peek behind the curtain of one of Knoxville’s most beautiful and beloved attractions.
Looking forward to 2021, our first program of the new year will be an overview of what Tax Changes to expect for 2021, and a minor celebration of surviving 2020, a year which has truly tested us all!
Thank you for being a member or friend of the Knoxville AFWA Chapter, and as always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, we want to hear from you! I look forward to seeing you (virtually at least!) in the coming months.
Carol A. Fox
President, Knoxville Chapter AFWA